News! Google Ads Update 2021

Steven BlassbergUncategorized

From the 18th February 2021, Google will be changing the matching behaviour for 2 specific Keyword Types, Phrase Match (PM) and Broad Match Modified (BMM).

Below is some useful information to talk you through what Match Types are in place right now, what changes will be made on 18th February, and most importantly, how this will affect your Google Ads.


Current Keyword Types

As it stands, the current keyword Match Types available are as follows:

For more detail on Keyword Match Types and which one to choose, Miro Media’s Google and Facebook Ads specialist, Andy Clarke has written another blog piece, which you can get to by clicking here.

The Latest Update

Google is changing the Match Types you can choose for your Keywords. In simplified terms, this means the option to choose a Broad Match Modified (BMM) match type will be removed.

In its place will be a Phrase Match match type with a new definition.

The new definition of a Phrase Match (PM) means that a Phrase Match will now show your Ads for the same PM searches as before AND searches that a BMM would previously have shown your Ads for.

From 18th February onwards, if you want a BMM match type, you will have to add your keyword as a Phrase Match (PM).

Remember, this will also mean your keyword will show for the ‘old’ BMM searches as well as any ‘old’ Phrase Match searches too.

What do I have to do?

Google has said, “you don’t need to take any action” and the changes will start to be implemented from 18th February and be fully in place by July 2021 – Great news!

However, for the first few weeks especially, you should regularly check and review your Search Terms. The update means Phrase Match is going to open up and show your Ads for more Search Terms than before. 

Keeping on top of your Search Terms in the early stages will help make sure that you don’t spend money on search terms that you don’t want to appear for.

What will happen?

For any Keywords that are currently running as Broad Match Modified, by the end of July, these will be acting as Phrase Match keywords (with the new definition).

Any keywords that are currently Phrase Match will start to show your Ads for searches alongside the new Phrase Match definition (old PM + old BMM searches).