Proofreading Tips for Content Syndication Articles

Ian HancockStuff

Content syndication is the new link building term on the block. Fresh content creates natural links and  is the way forward in terms of creating page one rankings. If you are sending out a large amount of articles for clients as a link building service, it’s vital that they are proofread and there are no changes needed. However churning out articles can cause your brain to go to mush and it’s easy to get it to make sense when it doesn’t.

Blog owners can become impatient if an article is littered with errors and are likely to reject it. This can be frustrating as you then have to start from scratch, finding another appropriate place to post your article. If you haven’t heard back after submitting an article, it could be your grammar that’s the issue. Some people can’t and won’t look past bad grammar. Don’t let your article be shredded before they’ve reached the second paragraph. Check out these tips for detecting any errors before submission.

1. Print Off Your Article

If you’ve written your article on a computer, printing it off can trick your mind into thinking it’s  a fresh document.

2. Read Aloud

This may not always be possible depending on where you are. Get a friend or colleague to help you out and read it back to you. This will highlight any changes needed loud and clearly. You can also get a word processing program which will read the text you’ve written out loud.

3. Read from the Bottom Up

This is an unorthodox approach but instead of reading the article in the usual way, read it from the last sentence up. You can then take the sentence out of context and focus on the structure and grammar of each singular sentence, rather than just making it fit by skim reading.

4. Change the Colour or Font

To trick your mind into thinking it’s reading a new piece of content, change the colour and font to allow it to feel different. A larger font will make any errors jump out at you and be more identifiable.

5. Give it a Rest

If you’ve written the article late in the afternoon, leave it until the following day before you submit it. This will allow your article to be looked at with fresh eyes.

6. Get a Second Opinion

By getting someone else to proofread your article, they can be more subjective and a fresh pair of eyes can quickly pick up on an error.

7. Checklist Your Article

Re-read your article and consider different factors each time. First of all read the article for its meaning and content. – Does the article fit in with the blog theme and target audience?

Next read your article purely looking out for spelling and grammatical errors. This will help your brain departmentalise and focus on different elements, rather than being overwhelmed by checking it all at once, as something will be missed. Being systematic is the best approach.

8. Simple is Best!

Does your article flow well, is easy to understand or convoluted? Avoid sentences which are long and complicated. Look out for sections where you have repeated yourself or rehashed information in order to increase the word limit. If you can say it in one sentence, do so, as it will have more of an impact.

It’s important your article looks and sounds professional from a seo point of view, especially if the article is being syndicated on social media. If you are creating content on behalf of a client, it’s important its right, as this article will be synonymous with the company and will reflect on them. If it’s done well it will have a major benefit for the client, otherwise it can make the company look amateur.

Miromedia have copywriters dedicated to creating articles for content syndication. Find out more how our friendly team can help you get your business onto page one.