How Obama & Romney Stack Up in Social Media

Ian HancockIndustry News, Social Media

Yesterday millions of Americans decided that Obama deserves another 4 years in the White House. A big chunk of these voters will, at some point, have expressed their preferred candidate on social media. For the last week Facebook and Twitter have been awash with US election stuff, and that’s just in the …

Fightback a Facebook Attack!

Ian HancockSocial Media, Stuff

Social media platforms are now becoming the quickest and most powerful way to air negative views and witty remarks. It’s also the easiest way for your companies brand to fall off the radar overnight and be tarnished. One comment can go viral and before you know it the comment has …

5 Exclusive Facebook Marketing Resources

Ian HancockSocial Media

According to the State of Inbound Report “42% of marketers say Facebook is critical or important to their business”. This has seen a 75% increase since a few years ago. However for those companies who are still left in the dark with social media, Facebook has some hidden resources to …

Winning an Election One FB Like at a Time

Ian HancockIndustry News, Social Media

Barack Obama has taken to Facebook in an effort to step up his campaign for re-election. His team obviously decided that the social networking site is a good place to recruit followers and ultimately win votes. They aren’t wrong. Through the paid ‘sponsored stories’ feature he was able to gain over one million likes …

Facebook Gets A Thumbs Down For “Like Fraud”

Ian HancockSocial Media

Facebook Likes have previously been presented as valuable currency to advertisers within online marketing. Historically a “like” was seen as an indication of someone’s engagement with a brand or company. Advertisers had been led to believe that when running sponsored ads, these would increase their popularity as users share pages. …